Sunday, April 3, 2011 | By: Ronie Kendig

Catching Up

Well, I'm under a pretty heavy deadline at the moment and working to get Firethorn, Discarded Heroes #4 finished (hope to share the cover with y'all very soon--waiting to hear from the art director!), so I've been snowed under with that and sickness (three weeks now--oy!).

I wanted to share some photos with you. As some of you may (or may not) know, my mom was from Ireland (actually born in Sussex, England, but was raised in Dublin Ireland (her father who was born/raised in Ireland)). She died 15 years ago March 12, and this year my cousin Graham Keane got married, so my entire family traveled to Ireland for his wedding.

It really was a fantastic trip, despite some really awful things happening--like my jewelry getting stolen (including a beloved 10-year anniversary ring). I was able to get to know my side of the family and see where I belong, identify with them. One glorious moment for me was when Graham mentioned he and his father having the "stubborn, emotional Keane" trait. I laughed--nooooo, I didn't know anything about that trait. Just massively infected with it. :-D

On another note, I will be participating in a multi-author event on April 23 with three fabulous fiction authors: Elizabeth Goddard, Lena Nelson Dooley, and Dr. Richard Mabry. It's in Frisco at the Mardel on Preston Road. Come out, buy a book, save an author!!


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